You know we love interior design and staging. We also love really knowing our clients. In honor of Get to Know Your Customer Day (which is July 16), we had a chat with realtor Kenzie Fields. We had a quick conversation while she was on the road – it’s a busy time!
Q. What is your business or job?
A. I’m a sales associate at Fairground Real Estate in Great Barrington.
Q. How long have you been in real estate?
A. Three years. I’ve always appreciated the restoration and design of homes – my parents bought and sold old homes. I moved to the Berkshires from Brooklyn in 2010 and I started making all kinds of connections for friends who wanted to move here. I did this for so long and so well that I eventually thought, “Hey! I could get paid for this!”
Q. What do you love about your job?
A. I love that a property is a collection of ideas as well as a physical space. I love to work with clients to help them figure out their best home choices.
Transformed living room at one of Kenzie’s properties: 747 Rhoades to Bailey Road, New Marlborough, MA.
Q. What’s challenging about your job?
A. The inconsistency of markets and that you always have to be in a ready position for whatever is happening. I work to change challenges into opportunities. And I actually love the flexibility and freedom of working in real estate.
Q. Why do you choose to work with Staged Ryte?
A. I love the relationship I have with Dawn and Nancy. Their staging work is, of course, fantastic and professional. It’s satisfying to work through opportunities and challenges with them. They make it fun…and they are people ready to have real talk. They’re available to get to the heart of the matter. That’s important to me.
Staged kitchen at 747 Rhoades to Bailey Road in New Marlborough. We love working with Kenzie!
Q. How’s 2020 going for you?
A. I’m using all my muscles – mental and physical – to be a person in the world and do the best job for my clients. I do feel like I’m running a marathon right now to make all my client experiences go smoothly. There will be a quieter time later to regroup.
Learn more about Kenzie here. OR call her at 413.854.4044.
Read our previous client profiles here - we interviewed house flippers and developers who we partner with.