Have you ever asked yourself, “How can I decorate my front door for the Holidays?” Well, our Instagram Front Door Decor Contest winner Nicole Colantoni asked herself the same question. When she saw our posts about the contest she immediately entered but didn’t think she’d win, “I never win anything!” When we reached out to her after our random-name drawing, she was busy at work but was able to take the time to say, “Fabulous! This is so exciting. My night just got better!”
Have decor will travel!
Masked and armed with boughs and berries.
The Staged Ryte team masked up and showed up to Nicole’s charming farmhouse-style home in Housatonic, MA on the appointed day and time and unloaded our van filled with balsam wreaths and seasonal pillows, lanterns and snowmen, and got right to work.
Just like when we stage a home, we did some clean up and then got to the fun stuff. The porch railing was treated with fresh pine boughs, cheery berries, and white lights. The front door received a red-bowed wreath (of course).
We created seasonal sitting areas, perfect for hot chocolate (or toddies). We topped a table with a rustic wooden snowperson surrounded by pine. Then on the other side of the porch, we warmed up a two-person rocker with Christmas-treed pillows. We set a white lantern filled with pine cones and surrounded by balsam boughs on another occasional table.
Nicole told us, “I’m so excited! It’s super cute.” What do you think?
This has been a challenging year, so switching up what we do (beyond real estate home staging) has been refreshing. We designed a wedding and reception in the summer and designed the interiors for an independent living facility in Florham Park, New Jersey that opened in the fall (see more here). We topped the year off with unstaging a home that sold in one day and staging Nicole’s front porch. All good. We’re going to ignore that the van had a dead battery in the freezing cold that day. We’re looking forward to the new year. Happy Holidays, everyone!