It’s an In Between Time…
It’s a strange in-between time for many of us. We still need to work but we also have odd pockets of time not knowing what to do with ourselves. Now’s the time to tackle home projects that have been neglected all winter. Review the list below and see what you can do now or over the upcoming weekends. If you need help, or you have a client who wants to get their house on the market soon, you should know that Staged Ryte offers remote staging and design consulting. We don’t have to physically be in a space to assess and direct how a room should be edited and staged. Click the button below to contact us.
6 Home Improvement Projects
Yard work: Spring can be gray and damp but remember: sunny days ahead! Get outside and sweep, rake, pick up, clip, and mulch – even if it’s just a few minutes each day. Here’s what we did recently at a soon-to-be-listed home. (If you don’t already follow us on Instagram, please do!)
Spring cleaning: Are you spending lots of time gazing out your windows? We are too. Now’s the time to clean them inside and out. Want to know THE BEST WINDOW CLEANER? Combine 2 cups water, ¼ cup white vinegar, and ½ teaspoon Dawn Dishwashing Liquid (we’re biased on this one). Soak a soft brush with the mixture and scrub the window. Rinse with clean water before it dries. It’s also time to vacuum and wash curtains, move furniture and thoroughly clean all areas, clean outdoor furniture, and…you know the drill.
Curb appeal: Research paint colors and paint your front door (and possibly garage doors, while you’re at it). Zillow did an analysis of 135,000 photos from listings across the US since 2010 and found on average that houses with black or charcoal gray front doors sold for as much as $6,271 more than expected. Other curb appeal projects: remove overgrown shrubbery and replace; buy and install a new mailbox; plant a tree.
Edit: Dig in so you can throw out, recycle and donate:
Scott in action! Transforming bookshelves.
Clean out closets, dressers, pantry, basement, linen closets, kitchen cabinets and make them neat and tidy;
Donate books, clothing, furniture, food pantry items, small appliances. Get them ready for drop off;
Clear out excess furniture: move it to the garage for family or donation;
5. Rearrange your bedroom, living room, office. Browse through Pinterest, Houzz, magazines, etc. and get ideas for fresh ways to rearrange. You can also reach out to us – we can remotely guide you.
6. Create a home office: Have you been working from home? Are you sitting on the corner of your couch? How’s your neck? Shoulders? Lower back? Now’s the time to actually create an ergonomically-appropriate work space. Even if you don’t have an extra room, you can create a mini-office that works. Scope out these areas for a desk and a chair that are comfortable: seating area in your master bedroom; in front of your book shelves where there’s that extra space. And your son’s room…he’s moved to California…time to take it over, especially if it has great light.
Call Staged Ryte to learn about remote staging and design consultation. We want to help everyone keep moving forward.